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, by Beth Nimmo Darrell Scott
Kostenfreier Download , by Beth Nimmo Darrell Scott
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 4267 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 224 Seiten
Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten: Bis zu 5 Geräte gleichzeitig, je nach vom Verlag festgelegter Grenze
Verlag: Thomas Nelson; Auflage: 10th Anniversary ed. (16. Februar 2009)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.8 von 5 Sternen
25 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#710.686 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Where do I begin to share my thoughts after reading this most profound tome by Rachel's loving parents and friends? How do I even attempt to feel their loss? And, how, how do I keep my two teenage sons safe?While taking in "Rachel's Tears" I cried, I smiled, I celebrated this young womans fiercely guided life. As I read her journal entries, gazed upon her sketches, an unanswerable question persisted, "why"? Why would two evil boys do what they did at Columbine in 1999? And if it affects me, a total stranger, as a wrecking ball smashing solidly and squarely into an impenatrable fortress.....how, oh how do they go on?Tonight we watched 20/20 on T.V. and witnessed some of what they have gone through. We watched as a family. We cried as a family. And we prayed as a family.We all have certain burdens to bear. Rachel's life was short, but her families memories, their dedication to God, their inner strength will forever remind me not to complain but to sustain.A powerful read. May God bless and guide us all.Thank you for your interest & comments--CDS
I feel sorry for Rachel Joy Scott. Her parents were so caught up in their love for God, in the importance of their own religious beliefs, they brainwashed this little girl. In this book, they print actual entries from Rachel's handwritten journals. Over and over again, Rachel wrote the same thing: "God never talks to me. I pray and beg him to answer me, but all I hear is silence." Rachel was devastated because God wouldn't talk to her, the way she had been taught He would. Somehow, she never realized that God never talks to people. When the father heard about the shootings on his car radio, he "heard a voice" in his thoughts saying, "This is a spiritual event." Rachel was young and confused. She thought her father was talking about a literal voice inside his head, and she wondered why God never talked to her that way. Maybe we can help the next Rachel if we make it clear that God did not tell him, "This is a spiritual event." That was something his "inner voice," his consciousness told him, not a supernatural entity addressing him from the outside through telepathy. I think Columbine happened, in part, because local ministers tried to break through the church-state barrier by having their sons lead Bible-study classes. That's one reason why the shooters reacted against Christians, because of the way the children of local ministers treated them, and labeled them as Spawn of Satan because they couldn't accept Christ the same way Rachel did.
I didn't expect to buy it. (...) Another book on the Columbinetragedy, I thought, and picked up something else. I'm not sure how itwound in my hand, much less in my bag of purchases. I started reading the next day, and didn't stop. I discovered it wasn't another book on the Columbine tragedy. It's a book for parents who try hard, pray hard, to raise their kids to know and love God. It's a book for parents who don't. It's a book to stay on the shelf until younger children are old enough to read it, and most of all, it's a all a book for teenagers who are Christians, and wonder daily whether it's all worth it. It's for teenagers who move about in a scary, hate-filled world of alienation. It's for teenagers who need someone to say to them, "You're making a difference. Every effort you make to be kind and to accept the "unacceptable" is an effort not in vain." Because kids wonder if it's all worth it. I did, at Rachel's age. Rachel's story is a ringing testament to the fact that no one need discount the depth of a young person. "Do not let anyone look down upon your youth," is what Paul said to Timothy. And when Jeremiah bellyached to God about his being too young, God responded, "Do not say 'I am too young', because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you." Was Rachel delivered? some will wonder. I suppose that answer ties in with the Man who said, "My kingdom is not of this world."
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